The worship in the Philippines was so full of the life of God! I really enjoyed working among these precious people. World Indigenous Missions has six missionaries living in Cebu. They have a training center and sending agency named Sea Mist. While there we worked with them on leadership and team building. The leaders really enjoyed our teaching on prayer and daily devotions. One pastor that works with the team asked permission to translate our material to the native language for use in their churches.
We are thankful that you helped send us on this trip. The impact for evangelizing and discipling Southeast Asia should be huge!
Plans for the first quarter of 2010
•The first part of February I will be in St. Louis visiting pastors, preaching and catching up on paperwork (closing out last year).
•Feb. 26th -Mar. 1st I will be in Minneapolis, MN to visit friends and supporters. I will also be recruiting new missionaries.
•March 6-14 is my yearly trip to Globe International in Florida and International Gospel Outreach in Alabama to train missionaries.
•At the end of March I hope to visit Michigan, Indiana, and Kansas City to visit supporters, encourage leaders and recruit new missionaries.
•Kathy will continue her work at North County Christian School teaching Spanish and helping disciple High School Students.