Thursday, December 17, 2009

Heading to Spain for Christmas!

Saturday Kathy and I will fly to Spain to visit our son, Aaron, and his family. They are serving as missionaries in Valencia along with the Jeff Steen family. We plan to enjoy family time, encourage the missionaries and be a part of the life of God's church in Spain.

Please pray that everything goes well. As we celebrate Christmas in Spain we pray that you will be filled with the Joy that has come to the world in Jesus!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Visitation at Phayao

I am going to describe to you a visitation of our Lord to a group of children living in a girl’s home in Thailand. The home is named Phayao which means “House of Dreams” in Thai. Three different missionaries described this story to me. The following is a conglomeration of what I heard from all three.

In the fall of 2008 when there were 22 girls living at Phayao they were having a worship service. Suddenly one of the girls said, “Jesus wants to come into the room”, at that point everyone looked to the doorway and 21 of the girls saw Jesus standing there. None of the adults that were present saw him. The girls (youngest was 7 at the time the oldest was 15) said he walked in smiling at them. They all thought he looked very loving. After he walked around the room he started to walk up the stairs to the 3rd floor of the home. All the girls followed. He then stood outside the door of the isolation room where one of the girls lay inside sick. One of the older girls named Eif said, “Jesus wants to go into that room.” Eif then stepped in front of Jesus and opened the door. The Lord walked into the room and looked down at the sick girl, she saw Jesus. He then reached down took her hand and she got up out of bed. Jesus walked her out into the room with the other girls. He smiled at all of them and then walked down the stairs and out the front door where he disappeared. The little girl that was in the sick room was healed after being touched by the Lord.

No adult saw any of this. The missionary in charge who speaks Thai along with some other staff members took the girls into a room one by one to interview them. They all told the same story. The staff along with the three missionaries I spoke with all believe the girls saw Jesus.

Here is a bit of evidence I find interesting. The girls attend a public school. Most of the students are Buddhist. Eif shared this visitation with her friends at school and 17 have given their lives to the Lord. All the girls are testifying to everyone about this visitation. One more interesting fact, when the girls came to Phayao they were oppressed, poor girls that did not know the Lord. Most of them were at great risk of being sold into prostitution. When I met them one year after the visitation they were some of the most well adjusted, on fire for God youth I have ever met. The night before we arrived they had a 6 hour worship service that ended at 2:00 AM.

I was not there but I believe Jesus did appear to the girls at Phayao. He has definitely done a wonderful work in their lives.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Eight girls are in this photo with me and two staff members. These girls were rescued from being sold into prostitution. Just by looking at their faces you can see the wonderful work God has done in their lives. Sadness and depression have been replaced with hope, love and the joy of Salvation in Christ. The night before we arrived they had a 6 hour worship service, they are full of the life of God.

If you would like to help sponsor the work at Phayao email me at I will send you a photo of one of the girls along with her bio. You can pray daily for your child and send in a special offering or monthly support.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

I am in Thailand today. Chris Briles and I are having a great trip. Yesterday we visited the home where 34 girls live that were saved from being sold into prostitution. We visited, played games, talked with them about God's will in their lives then we prayed for them. At the end they prayed for us. It was a powerful day.

Tomorrow we head for China.

Thanks to all of you that are praying for this trip.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Monday afternoon I will board a plane for the west coast. Chris Briles, a WIM missionary, will meet me there. We will then fly to Thailand. Our purpose there is to encourage veteran WIM missionaries Tony & Mary Ann Bianchi. They are doing a wonderful work rescuing children out of the sex trade, counseling other missionaries and providing on going education and training. We will also visit a missionary who is ministering to refugees.

The following week we head for China. Please pray for protection and that we will achieve all of our goals. I’ll be back in St. Louis Oct 31st.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Traveling to Thailand & China in October


Oct 19th I will fly to Thailand and then on to China. This is a very important trip. Chris Briles, WIM Director of Operations, will go with me. Our goal in Thailand is to encourage the missionaries that are working with refugees from Myanmar. They are also rescuing children out of the horrible sex trade. These missionaries are REAL HEROES in my book.

The lady in the glasses is Davelyn Valdueza. She was trained by WIM missionaries in the Philippines and is now serving the refugee community in Thailand. She is doing a great work but needs encouragement. Pray that God will use us to bring help and strengthen her.


Also in Thailand we will visit Tony & Mary Ann Bianchi who are working with a group of missionaries that rescue children who would be sold into the sex trade. They take children that are at risk of being sold and move them into a home where they are cared for, educated and most importantly taught the Gospel message. These children are becoming Christians instead of prostitutes.

The Bianchis also hold seminars and conduct conferences for missionaries that are serving in several countries in Asia.

In China we plan to help form a new church planting team.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Men's Conference

This Friday, September 25th, I will be at a men's retreat sponsored by New Voice Church, St. Louis, MO. The following day I will travel to Farmington, MO to speak at a conference sponsored by Bridge of Hope. I am looking forward to helping men understand God's plan for their lives.